Thinking about where to plant hops

Yeahhh, I probavly should have researched this in advance. But this guy said he sold hops as cut flowers last year and I was like, that’s cool and they seem like tall plants… how would i even trellis them? Would it be weird to put them along the property line with the neighbors? It’s kind of this raised area. It’d make more sense to put them there if I had put a silage tarp over the area already. Or what about the northeast-most bed, for maybe a bit of shade over/into the yard? Eh, probably would attract deer… and how would I trellis them? Hell, how will I plant them? It’s rained a couple of inches int eh last few days.

Meanwhile, T came down with strep Monday night and Tuesday I went and bought about 50 strawberry crowns. So I want to plant those first since there’s already a place for them that’s not full of bunchgrasses. And when will I do that? Z is taking most of the day off on Thursday, so maybe I can start?

Also: yay, we’re up to 62% of normal rainfall for this point in the rain year. #drought

3 thoughts on “Thinking about where to plant hops

  1. I have nener tried growing hops and I haven’t grown strawberries since I have been back here on the farm. I know if you have a lot of them they can be a lot of work, though. I hope they turn out well for you. I also hope T is feeling much better soon.


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